Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cat In The Bag

Today I took our little solid black kitten Smokey to the Vet for her "Operation" She was so needing to go, I was starting to see tons of random cats come out of the woodwork and eating our outside kitties food.

We normally make a point of not getting female cats but when the neighbor found her and brought her to us we simply could not resist.

She is definitely a one person cat, She LOVES Eric and to the rest of us she is what we call "Skittish" Especially to our Dog Yogi(yeah right)

Well, today I had the task of taking her to the vet without any assistance and I tell you, I took my life into my hands with this one.

First of all, Why do a cats legs suddenly grow a foot longer when they are about to be put into a cat carrier?

Well, I finally got her in there and suddenly a wild beast was unleashed, No growling but it was exactly like a scene from an old movie where they were putting cats in a sack and getting ready to drown them. This cat went wild tossing and turning like a tornado! Yikes!!! She even bounced off the couch onto the floor when I turned to grab my purse. The entire time I was carrying her into the office she kept hitting the side of my leg.

So I got into the vet and someone said "Oh Let me see your kitty"

"Not a very good idea"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

End of an Era

All good things must come to an end.Boy I have been so nostalgic lately, I have seen my friends sons in their little league pictures and make a little sigh. I miss Little League, I miss seeing my son in his uniform, I never minded when he would get grass stains on his white pants. (All little league moms grumble when they get the note that the team pant color is white). Steve and I miss the Nachos and the visiting with the other parents, we thought about going to the park just to watch but then we decided that would just be too creepy... Sigh...

Well, now is another end... The end of my vacations with Eric. Since first grade I have shared and enjoyed all of the off track time his year-round schedule affords... With Pay!!!

We will have a short summer break together and his will be longer because next year in High School we will no longer share the same schedule.

On one hand I sigh and think of the good old times we had and the driving trips we took going up and down the California coast seeing all the missions and even our little day trips to museums and the movies. Eric is my pal, my buddy and my companion.

But then I remember... I will be alone!!!

I do believe this is one end I will definitely survive.

Then Noive

I simply do not know what is more annoying in a movie theater?

A phone set on very loud vibrate that keeps buzzing
The bright light from the person who is texting during the movie...

The sign says TURN CELLPHONES OFF!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The "Great Deal"

The five signs outside read:



Shampoo $5.00

Cut $13.00

Style which is defined as blow drying with a round brush $15-$25.00

No package deals including style and shampoo , add it up for yourself.

I saw a dad shocked by his daughters $38.00 haircut ask if he was charged for two haircuts.

Just cut my dirty hair and I will be on my way...thank you very much

Monday, March 23, 2009

Stay of Execution

I blew it... I have been taking my iron pill faithfully, And I am feeling better.

Today I re-read my instructions for Wednesdays procedure and it says AVOID IRON, Yikes! I missed that part...

Called the doctors and it is no good, we have to reschedule...

Wahhh, I was ready and I had my prayers all in order...

On the other hand, I feel like I have had a stay of execution in a way, I had no idea how I was going to feel so I made no plans this week which was putting a damper on my last week of vacation...

I am crying Yippee Yippee all the way home...


Go Lightly... Sounds so nice... NOT!!!

I have been diagnosed as severely anemic and will be having a procedure Wednesday called an Upper and Lower GI where they send a scope in your upstairs and down stairs to check things out. I will be asleep for the procedure so I am not too nervous about it.

HOWEVER... Tomorrow I will have to drink 4 LITERS of a solution called GOLYTELY. I am sure Golytely is just a pharmaceutical way of saying

Stay near a toilet!!!

We will see...

I'll bet you wish you were me...

The last week

This is the last full week of my March off track and the last time Eric and I will be off track together.

I can't believe he will be starting High School later on this year, but we have had eight wonderful years of breaks, Our favorite thing to do on vacations is simply relax and hang out. We do love our trips and have gone on several that have given us wonderful memories.

Today I will be taking him to the Arboretum one of our favorite places in Arcadia Ca. If you ever get an opportunity to go there you must, and take your kids cause they have the best climbing trees.

It is fun to explore and see where the old TV show Fantasy island was filmed along with Tarzan and a ton of other movies. It is a super cheap day and bring some bread to feed the ducks and geese.

I have been to the Arboretum tons of times, when I was growing up in Azusa, the Arboretum was the place we went to every year on our elementary school field trip. Yawn... Been there done that

One day, the boys and I were on vacation and we went to visit dad, I got the idea to take the boys to the Arboretum and when we got there the boys were thrilled. I will never forget that Cam saw a bus load of kids arriving for a field trip and he said "This would be the best place for a field trip" I just giggled.

Now the Arboretum holds special meaning as it is the place were my son Cameron proposed to his now wife Beka. Good times, Good times...

Sunny Cali

Friday, Eric and I went to the store and saw a woman in a spaghetti strap mini sundress with sandals.

Today, we had our heaviest coats out to deal with the icy cold winds coming off of the newly fallen snow in the hills.

Welcome to California

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thankful Tuesday... Summer

Summer... How Do I love thee...

In no specific order.

#1 Vacation- It is my longest time off of work during the year Yippee!!!

#2 Fire Pit- One of our best purchases, ours is getting older and we may have to get another soon.

#3 Smores- In summer I always keep the makings for Smores handy, perfect with the fire pit.

#4 Garden Swings- One year for Christmas when we were newly married, we gave glider swings to both of our parents, when they died we got back the swings and still use them. They mean alot to me.

#5 Pool- Another excellent purchase, we love our above ground pool, that coupled with our trampoline and our backyard is Cannon Ball central.

#6 Built in pools- I love swimming and really wish we had a larger pool.

#7 Sweet Ice Tea- Still searching for the perfect sugar free recipe.

#8 Light weight sweaters- Even in summer, I always have one in my car.

#9 Flip Flops- Great with my favorite Pedi Egg, My cute feet plus cute flip flops... Cute

#10 Summer Camp- Good bye Eric... Hello Steve

Monday, March 2, 2009

How Embaraskin!!!

I have iron poor blood...

Actually, it has been going on for awhile but now I am officially in need of iron supplements.

I just started taking my medication on Saturday but today was the first day I took it on my early am tummy.

Bad idea.

Just as I was reaching the door to work I heaved... Right into the bushes. I looked around, whew... No witnesses...

Later on, the secretary came by and said "Saw you this morning"


Later on my co-worker came in not feeling well and I told her "I know a good bush you can use"

Oh well...