A really good day to me is when we have food choices the kids love and plenty of it.
#1 Food choice is Pizza, it doesn't matter if it is pepperoni or cheese, my bringing another pan of pizza out of the warmer always brings cheers to the lunch line.
#2 Food choice is Chicken Nuggets-One of my favorite kid comments happened when I was re-stocking the chicken nuggets, he looked at the giant pile of nuggets and said "Now that looks like heaven" Still makes me smile.
Today for breakfast we had a new item the kids loved, breakfast bagel pizza, I love feeding them something warm and satisfying, bagel pizza was a hit.
For lunch we had a super duper favorite Fried Chicken, boy oh boy did I hear the cheers when I re-stocked my well full of chicken. Just for added excitement, I put out several pieces and let the kids choose the one that I said "Called their name" Since it was Hot Dog Day which is also a giant lunch fave the chicken lasted all the way through the day, we normally run out of super favorite items but like I said, this was a good day.
" Hey Troy" (By the way, I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing them call me Troy) "Hey, Troy, look, I lost a bottom tooth and guess what? It is a Big Boy tooth!!!"
Well, that deserves an air high five ( note: I am standing behind a counter and can't actually touch the kids so I make motions in the air. Air High Fives and Air Hugs are the most common)
"Hey, Troy Me and four kids in our class got 100% on our test!!!, Teacher thought we couldn't do it but we did!!!"
"Great Job! I know your teacher must be amazed!!!" (Air Hug)
"Hey Troy, I got the attendance award! It's my second time!!!" the kids around him confirmed it and were excited for him too!
"That is so great Mikey!!!" (that is the name I gave him cause one day I caught him playing Ninja Turtles in line, so I named him Michelangelo and his buddy Leonardo)
Like I said, It was a good day