Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh Yeah.....

Ever since I got the letter telling me I was hired to work at a second school and that I would start on August 20th I have had a strange feeling.

I am very happy to finally take the leap and add more hours to my working schedule, I am excited the school is just around the corner from my house and I am glad that Eric's friend is giving him a ride to school so basically the addition of this new job to my schedule will not interfere too much with my daily routine and gives me confirmation that it is Gods gift and a blessing.

But still... August 20th...It is nagging at me...

Today was the day and I started my new job, it went well, I have been doing this kitchen lady thing for eight years so I feel pretty confident that I know my stuff so it is all good.

Then it hit me while I was washing dishes... August 20th

Happy Birthday to my Daddy in Heaven, I miss you so, personally I miss just hanging around in the back yard visiting and I miss taking you to Costco. I remember how you supported me in my decision to leave my career to stay home with the boys and how much you loved when I would make you and Eric spam and eggs for breakfast although I hated it. I remember once Eric and I were in the store and he saw the can and said he wanted some "Grandpa Ham"

As a family I miss our birthday get togethers at the house. I loved how you stepped up and cared for your kids when we needed. But my fondest memories of your later life was our trips on the Mexican Senior Citizen busses to Laughlin. My 40th birthday was the best with all of us together at the baby boomer buffet.

When you lose a loved one, different dates effect people differently, for me I have a difficult time missing my parents on my birthday, I guess cause it was the day my parents made me feel so special. I miss Mom bad on Mother's day, but Dad, I just miss you all the time...

Happy Birthday Daddy

Love, Your Troyie Troysie Puddin' and Poisie, who kissed the boys and made them noisie

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