Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ok, I'm Done

OK, I am done. Being Calm that is. Today is the official countdown, Oh my stomach hurts...


Each day is chocked full of to do things and a friend reminded me that it is officially time for me to be in Panic mode about my dress. OK, Lucy, for your sake I WILL PANIC!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I am taking the blouse back to the seamstress today and just for fun, I will do a little shopping Just in case.

I think I have everything in order for my part of the day, I have my friends lined up to help me, I ended up not getting a cold which is good, I have extra days off beforehand so I think I am good.

So, Why was I awake at 3:30 am which normally means "Troy you are stressed and you have Insomnia" Hmmmmm

Get out my lists, check them twice, Don't know.

Oh yeah, It is Stinkin' HOT!, Fontana is so Stinkin' Windy! All things we are planning for and know we have no control over... No need to worry...

OK,Then I will worry, just for the sake of worrying... sounds good.

It is a Mommy's prerogative.

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